Please remember that I am a kid. I can't remember everything yet. My brain is developing and growing.
Give me a second chance... and a third chance...and a fourth.
Yeah, I know what you are going to say. "You won't get a second chance out in the real world."
Well, guess what? Yes I will and I have proof!
- Steve Jobs got a second chance to run Apple.
- When my dad's strings broke on his tennis racquet he borrowed one while his was being re-strung.
- Abraham Lincoln took eight chances to run for public office.
- When my mom locked the keys in the car, she called my dad and he brought us the spare key.
- When you posted the wrong worksheet on your website we did the right one the next night.
- People show up to our town meeting without their town report and there are extras for them to borrow.
But please give me a second chance... and a third chance... and a fourth.
I'm not asking for a second chance on paying my bills.
I'm just asking for another chance to get this assignment right.
I'm just asking for another copy of the paper because I lost the first one.
I'm just asking for you to explain the directions again.
Thank you.
Your Student
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